Have squirrels in the attic? Or maybe, you hear strange noises coming from under the house? Whatever the situation might be, you definitely have a wildlife-related problem. Having the animals immediately removed from your property will help you save on future repairs and expensive pest control treatments. There are two methods of handling this type of problems – wildlife exclusion and trapping.
On this page, we, at First Choice Termite And Pest Control, will give you more details about the two methods so you know what to expect from each of them. We usually prefer the exclusion over wildlife trapping and below you will learn why. If by the end of the article you have any questions regarding our work or practices, please feel free to contact our specialists in Decatur, GA right away. They will be happy to discuss your concerns and explain what they do in detail.
What is Exclusion?
Wildlife exclusion is a humane and life-oriented approach to pest control. Rather than trap and relocate animals, our specialists identify how the animals are getting into your premises and seal the points of entry without causing any harm to the critters. Our solutions are designed to motivate animals to leave your home and reduce the likelihood of other animals getting in in the future. This method is ultimately more economical and effective than most of the services other pest control companies have to offer.
How Is Exclusion Different to the Wildlife Trapping Solutions?
The problem with trapping is that it moves an animal away. We believe that relocation is not the solution and in the animal’s best interest – it breaks their families, exposes the animals to territorial conflicts, diseases, and is for sure illegal. Bear in mind that even if you remove the animal, others are likely to move in unless the core problem is addressed.
We, at First Choice Termite And Pest Control, offer you a humane solution. We will address your problem and make sure no animals are getting hurt during the job. We will make sure to eliminate everything that attracts wildlife to your home, seal all the entry points, and place repellents near your premises. Interested in finding out more? Please contact our specialists in Decatur, GA at (770) 482-7322 now and let them come to you for a consultation.